De foutmelding “Error -2048: Couldn’t open the file because it is not a file that QuickTime understands.” treedt op wanneer u probeert uw corrupte MOV-bestand af te spelen in de QuickTime-mediaspeler. Deze foutmelding geeft echter aan dat sommige plug-ins of codecs ontbreken en QuickTime uw .mov-videobestand dus niet kan afspelen. In dit bericht duiken we diep in de QuickTime MOV-bestandsfout 2048, de oorzaken ervan en hoe u deze effectief en zonder gedoe kunt oplossen.

Taposhi is an expert technical writer with 5+ years of experience. Her in-depth knowledge about data recovery and fascination to explore new DIY tools & technologies have helped many. She has a great interest in photography and loves to share photography tips and tricks with others.